Booting Up…

Woah, that’s weird. Skype just popped up and I have no idea how to use it. I’m really quite out of practice and behind the times with technological developments.

I’ve been a little bit… isolated for the last 5 years. I might as well have been in outer space. And while I was offline, my DS9-based blog ‘The Bajoran Exile’ on Open Diary was deleted along with the whole platform. Sad days.

But thankfully I found a remnant of it on the marvel that is the Wayback Machine (internet archive), and so hope to revive it somewhat and perhaps improve upon it.

The original blog was written always in character, as Kira Nerys as I once identified with her very strongly. That season of my life has passed and so I probably won’t be writing with the same voice so much anymore. But hopefully you will recognise my voice as a Trek lover.

I’m not sure I would say that Star Trek is my first love, but I was certainly a ‘Cradle Trekkie’. So much so that I believed quite firmly that my father played Spock in the original series. (There was a resemblance)

I was quite tickled when my own children told me recently that they had believed when they were young that I played Captain Janeway in Voyager. I can’t claim much of a resemblance, other than reddish hair.

Star Trek and science fiction / fantasy more broadly remain my escapism of choice, and I confess that I tend to see the world through the lens of Star Trek to a large extent. I think I might have gone a little bit mad without it.

So, if you are anywhere on the spectrum of being a Trekkie/ Trekker – from mildly amused to seriously fanatic, I would love to connect with you.

